지구라트 피난처

지구라트 피난처
Id: G_Endgame_Town
Act: 10
Area 레벨: 70
실패는 없습니다. 끊임없이 달라지는 성공의 정의가 있을 뿐입니다.
The Ziggurat Refuge
지구라트 피난처 Attr /7
이름상세 설명 표시
몬스터 레벨70
Connected Area지구라트 야영지
  • 도리아니 보라색 화염의 교단: I had a suspicion that the Cult of the Purple Flame was dangerous. They did not know the true nature of the forces they beseeched. I'm not certain anyone will ever know the breadth of what lies beyond this world... but Chayula alone kept his word, in what little dealings were had. Perhaps one day, we will find out what happened to create this... Xesht.
  • 도리아니 타락 정화: You don't look sick or injured. Why are you lingering here? Continue your work.
  • 도리아니 타락 정화: Keep up your work. It is a long and dangerous task, but there is an end in sight.
  • 도리아니 타락 정화: Why are you wasting time here? Continue clearing Corruption!
  • 도리아니 타락 정화: Continue clearing Corruption. It is the only thing we can do right now.
  • 도리아니 조경: The tower... the surrounding landscape has been altered! This could be of great use to us. These towers are part of some long ago experiment, perhaps... or a contingency... I will do more research while you continue to explore.
  • 도리아니 화염 씨앗: I understand that... something... stole the Flame Seed as your battle drew to a close. This is concerning. There is little we can do until we know more.
  • 도리아니 대재앙의 타락: In a time of minimal sentience—and most of it mad—what you encounter out there can be quite malleable. What we expect to find can shape things. The energies we use in our translocation device can influence outcomes. That device was made possible, after all, by a very special patron. They are likely watching us even now, and finding great humour in our travails...
  • 도리아니 화염 씨앗의 수호자: From what you've told me, the guardian of the Flame Seed seems to have been purposely molded for his task. The Precursors created him, but he is not one of them. I can only theorize as to his purpose...
  • 도리아니 우리의 일: 이 지구라트 안에 있는 거대한 장치 중 하나는 포탈 기구다. 그걸 이용하면 어디로든 갈 수 있고, 다시 돌아올 수도 있지. 황폐한 땅으로 떠나 그곳에서 타락을 정화해라. 바로 그 타락이 우리 기술의 상당수에 동력을 공급하는 만큼, 그러면 그 장치가 더 먼 곳까지 미칠 수 있을 것이다. 길고 힘겨운 일이 되겠지만... 이제는 해야만 하는 일만 남았다.
  • 도리아니 손님: I was told many cryptic things. I was asked to—no, I shouldn't say. I don't understand, at least not yet. I was told this was the only way, yet still, I fought to find another path. I believe we make our own fates, but... here we are. If only I had the full picture...
  • 도리아니 선도자 탑: The sheer force of the Cataclysm scoured away much of the surface, and disrupted what remained. Sturdier than most, ancient Precursor towers have been left exposed. You should find one, and secure it for our research.
  • 도리아니 선도자 탑의 망: I believe that the Precursor towers are part of a network created specifically to alter terrain and biomes. This may have been to make Wraeclast more habitable initially... or perhaps it had a larger purpose, later in their era. These ideas are just conjecture, of course.
  • 도리아니 선도자 서판: Now that you have secured a Precursor tower, it has quickly become clear that it requires some sort of tablet to activate. Find a Precursor tablet, and let us take a calculated risk by activating that tower.
  • 도리아니 요새: 이제 신성한 불꽃에 대해 이야기해 줄 때가 된 것 같구나. 아주 오래전, 지도 안쪽 깊은 곳에 자리 잡은 안전한 피난처가 있었다. 네가 신성한 불꽃에 대해 조사하고 그 안전한 피난처에 얽힌 비밀을 밝혀내야 한다.
  • 도리아니 경고의 말: I should warn you... in my search for ways to stop the Cataclysm, I entreated the ultimate wisdom in this world, and I paid a terrible price. That price is out there, still—and he is even more cunning and dangerous than I am, for he does not have my purity of purpose. When you meet him, destroy him utterly, and do not trouble yourself with your usual moral quandaries.
  • 도리아니 지금?: 이건... 모든 것의 끝이 아니다. 너라는 존재가 어떤 형태로든 생명은 계속될 것임을 보여준다. 알바는 내 동족에게도 생존자가 있을 거라고 얘기해 주었다. 많지는 않겠지만, 충분할 거라고... 즉시 일을 시작해야 한다.
  • 도리아니 대피소: 넌 한동안 의식이 없었다. 내가 소유한 무기 조각이 지구라트의 벽을 통과한 알 수 없는 힘으로부터 우리를 보호해 주었다... 나는 최근 이 사원을 최선을 다해 보강하여 피난처로 바꿔 놓았다. 그게 필요한 일이 없기만을 바랐는데...
  • 도리아니 무기: I have invested considerable resources and many years of effort in the search, but my knowledge of the Precursors still remains scarce. They are as ancient to us as we are to you. On such time scales, geological events tend to obscure remnants of civilisation. There is evidence of great fires. Eruptions. Impacts from the sky. All I know is that they, too, delved into the secrets of this world. Corruption was just one of many forms of energy that they mastered. I have come across simple pictographs in their ruins, intended as a contingency, should others come without knowledge of their language. Most pictographs were quite clear: {'Death lies within.'} One, however, held faded instructions for what we should do if that death should ever escape; if it should ever plague the land. That is how I know the Weapon exists, and... generally... how to find it. Someone in the past wanted us to know about it, in case the worst should ever happen... and clearly, it has...
  • 도리아니 타락 정화: I have had time to increase the capabilities of the machine. We have a few choices to make.
  • 도리아니 타락 정화: Valuable resources were located in the area you cleared. We can augment our capabilities.
  • 도리아니 타락 정화: The space you cleared allowed us to reclaim several important tools. We can now upgrade our machine.
  • 도리아니 타락 정화: With each success, we grow closer to our goal.
  • 도리아니 타락 정화: A renowned scientist was... recovered... from the area you cleared. His acumen will add to our own.
  • 도리아니 타락 정화: We found a handful of survivors in the area you cleared. We'll put them to work.
  • 도리아니 안정성: The current situation is finally stable. We have done enough to ensure humanity's survival, however meager their dignity may be. This is not a victory, but it is a success. You may continue to cleanse Corruption as you wish. I will begin work on greater plans...
  • 도리아니 거점 마련: You must start with the areas of least Corruption. They are still deadly, but should be survivable for short spans. Cleanse enough of them to give us an outside foothold.
  • 도리아니 타락한 황무지: Out in the Corrupted wastelands, you will no doubt encounter 'survivors.' Do not fall victim to the trap of empathy. Though their bodies do not yet know it, they are {dead.} They sicken and taint everything they touch. They would slowly kill us by their very presence. They have no future. It would have been a mercy for them to die in the initial devastation. They will slowly waste away, and in their wasting, they will become disoriented... and then, enraged. They will seek to survive as long as possible, even if that means they doom the rest of us. They will be drawn to resources, and to power. {You} cannot allow them to possess that which we need. If you see them, kill them, and do not hesitate for even a moment.
  • 도리아니 황무지 이해하기: In the wake of the Cataclysm, reality is not what it used to be. There are far fewer of us now, and the mad outnumber the sane. You will see things out there that you will not understand. As much as I despise this truth as a man of science, it is quite possible they cannot {be} understood. Carry on with what must be done, and eventually, Wraeclast will... calm.
  • 도리아니 더럽혀진 현실: As I predicted, the Corrupted 'survivors' out in the wastelands have banded together like primal animals. They refuse to accept their own doom. You must become proactive in your approach. Their warlords are perverse figments of reality that the Cataclysm has distorted. Find these tainted realities and cut the head off the snake, so to speak.
  • 레벨이름경험치DamageAttack Time생명력방어도회피Energy Shield
    70우두머리 영장류515,2552761.8669442,3374,84650200000
    70가시나무 굴착자736,0793951.47631,9105,81650200000
    70서리 악령471,0902531.47404,4223,8776783,0510000
    70번개 악령588,8633161.47505,5283,8776783,0510000
    70철 마석학자441,6472371.47379,1463,8775022,6150000
    70철 저격수412,2042211.47353,8703,87780300000
    70철 집행자471,0902531.47606,6343,87750200000
    70곰팡이 확산자588,8633162.205505,5283,87750200000
    70진흙 복제485,8122612.94417,0613,87750200000
    70호저 게250,2671341.9551214,8494,84650200000
    70독성 게 어미250,2671341.9551214,8494,84650200000
    70끔찍한 노파588,8632051.6611505,5283,8775028720000
    70강 노파588,8633161.6611505,5283,8775021,7430000
    70늑대인간 배회자412,2042212.205353,8703,87770300000
    70덩굴 배회자412,2042212.205353,8703,87770300000
    70죽음의 기사588,8633472.4549505,5286,97950200000
    70노후한 용병353,3181893.675303,3175,81650200000
    70가시나무 거한588,8633161.47505,5285,81650200000
    70곰팡이 포병353,3181891.9551303,3173,87750200000
    70참회의 운반자529,9772842.8077454,9753,87750200000
    70뼈 추적자441,6472371.029379,1463,87750200000
    70일어난 쇠뇌 사수397,4832131.47341,2315,42850200000
    70파리둔 역병운반자441,6472371.47379,1463,8775022,6150000
    70파리둔 도살자588,8633161.9551505,5285,81650200000
    70검은 질주자588,8633161.47505,5283,87750200000
    70버림받은 거한736,0793951.47631,9103,87750200000
    70썩어가는 거한736,0793951.47631,9105,04050200000
    70진동 골렘529,9772841.47454,9757,75450200000
    70진동 골렘529,9772841.47454,9757,75450200000
    70일어난 마법사588,8633161.47505,5283,8775022,6150000
    70공포의 종복441,6472372.94379,1465,2345021,7430000
    70바싹 마른 리치441,6472372.94379,1465,2345022,6150000
    70바싹 마른 리치441,6472372.94379,1465,2345022,6150000
    70손상된 조수441,6472371.1466379,1463,8776288720000
    70잊힌 사람들의 맹신자397,4832131.47341,2313,8775021,3070000
    70잊힌 사람들의 맹신자397,4832131.47341,2313,8775021,3070000
    70잊힌 사람들의 돌격병529,9772841.47454,9756,20350200000
    70잊힌 사람들의 강령술사353,3181891.323303,3173,8775021,7430000
    70독사 주술사588,8633160.9849505,5283,8775024360000
    70역병 수확자588,8633161.7199505,5283,87750200000
    70사구 잠복자529,9772840.9849454,9753,87750200000
    70날개 달린 공포397,4832130.9849341,2313,87750200000
    70준설 마귀662,4713551.47568,7194,4595022,1790000
    70아자크쿨 주술사588,8633161.617505,5283,8775021,7430000
    70도륙자 주술사588,8633161.6905505,5283,8775021,7430000
    70도륙자 망치꾼662,4713551.47568,7197,75450200000
    70피도둑 여왕736,0793161.47631,9103,87750200000
    70방화버섯 배양가382,7612051.47328,5934,8465021,7430000
    70바알 해골 사제294,4321581.47252,7643,8775028720000
    70바알 해골 궁수294,4321741.47252,7643,87750200000
    70광신자 마녀588,8633161.47505,5283,8775021,7430000
    70녹은 금 파수꾼736,0793951.47631,9107,75450200000
    70추악한 현자441,6472021.3965379,1463,8775021,7430000
    70추악한 대장장이382,7612051.6317328,5933,87750200000
    70추악한 망치꾼515,2552761.5582442,3375,04050200000
    70더러운 맏이736,0793953.9102631,9106,78550200000
    70바알 감독관529,9772842.205454,9756,20370300000
    70바알 골리앗529,9772841.47454,9757,75450200000
    70수술 실험주의자588,8633161.47505,5283,8776531,7430000
    70바알 미라 궁수426,9262291.47366,5083,87750200000
    70바알 미라 운반자353,3181891.47303,3173,8775022,1790000
    70녹은 금 대장장이529,9772841.47454,9756,78550200000
    70태양의 사제588,8633161.47505,5283,8775021,7430000
    70피의식 사제500,5342681.47429,6993,8775021,7430000
    70더러운 노파677,1923631.47581,3574,6525022,6150000
    70골리앗 초월자588,8632371.47505,5286,7855024360000
    70잔인한 초월자736,0793951.47631,9107,7545026970000
    70덜컹대는 교수대588,8633161.47505,5286,59150200000
    70일군 숲412,2042431.47353,8704,84650200000
    70허수아비 야수662,4713551.9551568,7193,87750200000
    70영원의 기사662,4713551.47568,7196,97950200000
    70수척한 기사662,4713551.47568,7196,20350200000
    70일어난 이야기꾼441,6472371.47379,1463,8776781,7430000
    70야생 영장류22,5151611.0055,6653,87765300000
    70호저 골리앗48,4953471.0512,2023,87750200000
    70가시나무 굴착자86,5986201.521,7905,81650200000
    70가시나무 로아45,0313221.511,3313,87762800000
    70서리 악령55,4223971.513,9463,8776783,0510000
    70철 마석학자51,9593721.513,0743,8775022,6150000
    70철 창병41,5672531.510,4595,81675300000
    70곰팡이 좀비39,8352851.6510,0233,87750200000
    70곰팡이 좀비39,8352851.6510,0233,87750200000
    70진흙 복제57,154409314,3813,87750200000
    70살아있는 모래45,0313221.511,3313,87750200000
    70호저 게24,2471741.9956,1014,84650200000
    70호저 게29,4432111.9957,4094,84650200000
    70독성 게24,2471741.9956,1014,84650200000
    70독성 게 어미29,4432111.9957,4094,84650200000
    70끔찍한 임프22,5151611.325,6653,87775300000
    70끔찍한 임프22,5151781.325,6653,87775300000
    70곰팡이 전율가34,6392731.58,7163,87750200000
    70곰팡이 전율가34,6392731.58,7163,87750200000
    70가련한 전율가34,6392731.58,7163,87750200000
    70가련한 전율가34,6392731.58,7163,87750200000
    70살점 유생20,7831491.55,2303,87750200000
    70무리 늑대인간36,3712601.59,1523,87772800000
    70늑대인간 배회자48,4953472.2512,2023,87770300000
    70덩굴 배회자48,4953472.2512,2023,87770300000
    70피 운반자38,1032731.3959,5883,87762800000
    70피 백치27,7112181.56,9733,87765300000
    70피 수집가46,7633352.411,7673,87760200000
    70죽음의 기사69,2785452.50517,4326,97950200000
    70가고일 악마69,2786691.517,4327,75450200000
    70노후한 용병41,5672971.75510,4595,81650200000
    70노후한 용병41,5672971.75510,4595,81650200000
    70노후한 용병41,5672971.75510,4595,81650200000
    70노후한 용병41,5672971.75510,4595,81650200000
    70노후한 용병41,5672973.7510,4595,81650200000
    70노후한 용병41,5672973.7510,4595,81650200000
    70노후한 용병41,5672971.75510,4595,81650200000
    70노후한 용병41,5673572.2510,4595,81650200000
    70노후한 용병41,5672971.75510,4595,81650200000
    70썩어가는 까마귀22,5151611.0655,6653,87790400000
    70일어난 마라케스34,6392481.58,7163,87750200000
    70일어난 마라케스34,6392731.58,7163,87750200000
    70일어난 마라케스34,6392731.58,7163,87750200000
    70일어난 마라케스34,6392731.58,7163,87750200000
    70일어난 마라케스34,6392731.58,7163,87750200000
    70일어난 마라케스34,6392731.58,7163,87750200000
    70일어난 마라케스34,6392731.58,7163,87750200000
    70일어난 마라케스34,6392731.58,7163,87750200000
    70일어난 마라케스34,6392731.58,7163,87750200000
    70일어난 마라케스34,6392731.58,7163,87750200000
    70일어난 마라케스34,6392731.58,7163,87750200000
    70일어난 마라케스34,6392731.58,7163,87750200000
    70고대 에조미어인34,6392481.58,7163,87750200000
    70고대 에조미어인34,6392481.58,7163,87750200000
    70고대 에조미어인34,6392731.58,7163,87750200000
    70고대 에조미어인34,6392731.58,7163,87750200000
    70짐스러운 철면피43,2993102.86510,8953,87750200000
    70뼈 추적자51,9593721.0513,0743,87750200000
    70덩굴 파수꾼43,2993101.510,8956,20362800000
    70썩은 늑대34,6392482.258,7163,87765300000
    70곰팡이 늑대34,6392482.258,7163,87765300000
    70일어난 전율가34,6392731.58,7163,87750200000
    70일어난 전율가34,6392731.58,7163,87750200000
    70일어난 전율가34,6392731.58,7163,87750200000
    70일어난 전율가34,6392481.58,7163,8775028720000
    70일어난 전율가34,6392481.58,7163,8775028720000
    70일어난 전율가34,6392481.58,7163,8775028720000
    70꽃 독사34,6392481.7558,7163,87760200000
    70꽃 독사34,6392481.7558,7163,87760200000
    70일어난 농장 일꾼34,6392972.5058,7163,87750200000
    70일어난 농장 일꾼34,6392972.5058,7163,87750200000
    70일어난 농장 일꾼34,6392972.5058,7163,87750200000
    70일어난 농장 일꾼34,6392972.5058,7163,87750200000
    70일어난 농장 일꾼34,6392972.5058,7163,87750200000
    70불타는 시체34,6392972.5058,7163,87750200000
    70불타는 시체34,6392972.5058,7163,87750200000
    70가시나무 유인원24,2471740.996,1013,87775300000
    70일어난 쇠뇌 사수46,7633351.511,7675,42850200000
    70잽싼 골렘20,7831491.0055,2306,20350200000
    70잽싼 골렘20,7831491.0055,2306,20350200000
    70파리둔 역병운반자51,9593721.513,0743,8775022,6150000
    70파리둔 창병41,5672971.39510,4595,04075300000
    70파리둔 중보병41,5672971.510,4595,04075300000
    70파리둔 검의 무희38,1032731.59,5883,87790400000
    70파리둔 투창병36,3712601.59,1523,87790400000
    70파리둔 보병38,1032731.59,5885,04080300000
    70파리둔 신참27,7111981.326,9733,87775300000
    70파리둔 풋내기27,7111981.56,9733,87775300000
    70장갑을 두른 렉스38,1033001.59,5886,97950200000
    70파리둔 검사41,5672971.39510,4595,04082800000
    70파리둔 창병41,5672971.39510,4595,04075300000
    70파리둔 중보병41,5672971.510,4595,04075300000
    70파리둔 바람절단자36,3712601.59,1523,87790400000
    70파리둔 투창병36,3712601.59,1523,87790400000
    70파리둔 보병38,1032731.59,5885,04080300000
    70파리둔 신참27,7111981.326,9733,87775300000
    70파리둔 풋내기27,7111981.56,9733,87775300000
    70파리둔 도살자69,2784961.99517,4325,81650200000
    70미즙 잽싼거미20,7831491.55,2303,87762800000
    70해골 스프리건45,0313221.33511,3314,6525028720000
    70해골 스프리건45,0313221.33511,3314,6525028720000
    70검은 질주자69,2784961.517,4323,87750200000
    70금고 잠복자31,1752231.57,8443,87750200000
    70사브르 거미31,1752231.0657,8443,87750200000
    70치장된 딱정벌레29,4432111.57,4095,81650200000
    70변색된 딱정벌레29,4432111.57,4095,81650200000
    70치장된 갑충석51,9593721.513,0746,59150200000
    70변색된 갑충석51,9593721.513,0746,59150200000
    70버림받은 거한86,5986201.521,7903,87750200000
    70썩어가는 거한86,5986201.521,7905,04050200000
    70모래에 휩쓸린 시체34,6392971.58,7163,87750200000
    70독사 혈족51,9593721.00513,0743,87750200000
    70진동 골렘62,3504461.515,6897,75450200000
    70하이에나 악마34,6392481.58,7163,87765300000
    70태양 혈족의 청소부69,2784961.1117,4323,87750200000
    70유황 게39,8352851.00510,0237,75450200000
    70유황 게39,8352851.00510,0237,75450200000
    70유황 게39,8352851.00510,0237,75450200000
    70바위 뜀박이20,7832680.995,2303,87780300000
    70공포의 종복51,959372313,0745,2345021,7430000
    70손상된 조수51,9593721.1713,0743,8776288720000
    70날개 달린 마귀27,7111981.0656,9733,87775300000
    70바위 개미25,9791861.56,5376,78550200000
    70잊힌 사람들의 맹신자46,7633351.511,7673,8775021,3070000
    70잊힌 사람들의 맹신자46,7633351.511,7673,8775021,3070000
    70잊힌 사람들의 돌격병62,3504461.515,6896,20350200000
    70도금된 코브라34,6392481.328,7163,87762800000
    70잊힌 사람들의 토벌자46,7633351.511,7674,65260200000
    70노역자 오세오돈86,5986821.66521,7906,59150200000
    70잊힌 사람들의 강령술사41,5672971.3510,4593,8775021,7430000
    70독사 주술사69,2784961.00517,4323,8775024360000
    70일어난 마라케스34,6392731.58,7163,87750200000
    70일어난 마라케스34,6392731.58,7163,87750200000
    70일어난 마라케스34,6392731.58,7163,87750200000
    70일어난 마라케스34,6392731.58,7163,87750200000
    70모래살점 해골34,6392481.58,7163,87750200000
    70모래살점 전사34,6392731.58,7163,87750200000
    70모래살점 전사34,6392731.58,7163,87750200000
    70모래살점 마법사34,6392481.58,7163,87750200000
    70쇳소리 청소부27,7111981.0056,9735,04050200000
    70쇳소리 청소부34,6392481.0058,7165,23450200000
    70쇳소리 청소부41,5672971.00510,4595,42850200000
    70모래 혼백38,1032731.75511,5053,8775021,7430000
    70끔찍한 시체매79,6704291.8620,0474,65250200000
    70마라케스 언데드34,6392972.5058,7163,87750200000
    70타락한 시신34,6392972.258,7163,87750200000
    70타락한 시신34,6392972.258,7163,87750200000
    70타락한 시신34,6392972.258,7163,87750200000
    70타락한 시신34,6392972.258,7163,87750200000
    70역병 무리17,3201241.0054,3583,87780300000
    70역병 님프43,2993101.00510,8953,87760200000
    70역병 수확자69,2784961.75517,4323,87750200000
    70역병 수확자69,2784961.75517,4323,87750200000
    70사구 잠복자62,3504461.00515,6893,87750200000
    70날개 달린 공포46,7633351.00511,7673,87750200000
    70테라코타 광신도34,6392481.58,7164,65250200000
    70사마귀 쥐34,6392481.3358,7163,87770300000
    70습지대에 쓰러진 노예34,6392482.258,7163,87750200000
    70습지대에 쓰러진 평민34,6392852.258,7163,87750200000
    70습지대에 쓰러진 평민34,6392852.258,7163,87750200000
    70아자크쿨 사냥꾼34,6392480.9758,7163,87775300000
    70아자크쿨 살점자객34,6392481.2458,7163,87775300000
    70아자크쿨 목절단자34,6392480.878,7163,87775300000
    70도륙자 추적자48,4953471.512,2024,45965300000
    70도륙자 창투척자38,1032730.9759,5884,65270300000
    70도륙자 살점자객38,1032731.2459,5884,65270300000
    70도륙자 목절단자36,3712600.879,1524,65270300000
    70도륙자 냉혈한51,9593721.513,0745,04065300000
    70도륙자 풋내기34,6392481.9958,7163,87775300000
    70도륙자 망치꾼77,9385581.519,6117,75450200000
    70피도둑 말벌17,3201241.0054,3583,87780300000
    70창백한 봉합 추적자55,4223971.513,9463,87770300000
    70치장된 기형물55,4223971.513,9463,87770300000
    70곱사등 곤봉꾼31,1752231.447,8443,87750200000
    70납작머리 곤봉꾼32,9072351.628,2803,87757700000
    70방화버섯 배양가45,0313221.511,3314,8465021,7430000
    70개미귀신 돌격자69,2784961.1717,4327,75450200000
    70차우 잡종견34,6392480.998,7164,65270300000
    70바알 해골 전사34,6392481.58,7163,87750200000
    70바알 해골 종자34,6392481.58,7163,87750200000
    70바알 해골 사제34,6392481.58,7163,8775028720000
    70바알 해골 궁수34,6392731.58,7163,87750200000
    70불운의 탐험가34,6392971.7558,7164,84650200000
    70불운의 탐험가34,6392971.7558,7164,84650200000
    70불운의 탐험가34,6392971.7558,7164,84650200000
    70불운의 탐험가34,6392971.7558,7164,84650200000
    70뒤엉킨 거한86,5984961.6221,7906,97950200000
    70뱀목 도축자34,6392482.258,7165,04050200000
    70내장집 도축자34,6392481.2458,7165,04050200000
    70미끄럼 뱉는 자38,1032731.2459,5884,84660200000
    70수축된 도축자51,9593721.39513,0743,87750200000
    70수축된 뱉는 자51,9593721.39513,0743,87750200000
    70전갈 원숭이27,7111981.2456,9733,87780300000
    70거대엄니 멧돼지58,8864211.06514,8175,04050200000
    70광신자 궁수45,0313221.511,3313,87770300000
    70광신자 단검춤꾼34,6392481.58,7163,87770300000
    70광신자 전사38,1032731.59,5883,87750200000
    70광신자 전사38,1032731.59,5883,87750200000
    70광신자 전사36,3712601.59,1523,87750200000
    70광신자 전사34,6392481.59,5885,23450200000
    70광신자 냉혈한51,9593721.513,0744,84650200000
    70배회하는 키메랄57,1543271.514,3814,84675300000
    70강 타니와48,4953471.512,2023,87760200000
    70녹은 금 파수꾼86,5986201.521,7907,75450200000
    70녹슨 다이나 골렘39,8352851.1710,0237,7545028720000
    70썩은 쥐25,9791861.0656,5374,65262800000
    70썩은 쥐27,7111981.0656,9734,65262800000
    70배회하는 그늘77,9385581.3219,6113,8776682,8760000
    70언데드 바알 검의 무희39,8352851.510,0233,87770300000
    70언데드 바알 수호병43,2993101.1710,8955,42860200000
    70언데드 바알 수호병43,2993101.1710,8956,20360200000
    70추악한 현자51,9593171.42513,0743,8775021,7430000
    70어린 납작머리24,2471740.996,1013,87760200000
    70추악한 대장장이45,0313221.66511,3313,87750200000
    70추악한 망치꾼60,6184341.5915,2535,04050200000
    70더러운 투척자39,8352851.66510,0233,87750200000
    70납작머리 전사41,5672971.45510,4593,87750200000
    70더러운 맏이86,5986203.9921,7906,78550200000
    70독사 군단병55,4223471.513,9465,15683300000
    70독사 군단병55,4223571.513,9465,15683300000
    70독사 군단병55,4223971.513,9466,97950200000
    70바알 맹신자34,6392481.2458,7163,87765300000
    70바알 맹신자34,6392481.2458,7163,87765300000
    70바알 맹신자34,6392481.2458,7163,87765300000
    70바알 맹신자34,6392481.2458,7163,87765300000
    70바알 맹신자34,6392481.2458,7163,87765300000
    70바알 맹신자39,8352851.42510,0233,87770300000
    70바알 맹신자39,8352851.42510,0233,87770300000
    70바알 맹신자39,8352851.42510,0233,87770300000
    70바알 맹신자39,8352851.42510,0233,87770300000
    70바알 맹신자39,8352851.42510,0233,87770300000
    70바알 맹신자39,8352851.24510,0233,8777031,7430000
    70바알 맹신자39,8352851.24510,0233,8777031,7430000
    70바알 얼음장인39,8352851.24510,0233,8777031,7430000
    70바알 맹신자39,8352851.24510,0233,8777031,7430000
    70바알 맹신자39,8352851.24510,0233,8777031,7430000
    70바알 피박자36,3712881.59,1523,87775300000
    70바알 수호병34,6392481.58,7163,87775300000
    70바알 수호병38,1033001.59,5883,87775300000
    70바알 수호병38,1032731.0059,5883,87775300000
    70바알 감독관62,3504462.2515,6896,20370300000
    70바알 골리앗86,5986201.521,7906,78550200000
    70바알 형태변형자51,9593721.513,0744,6526788720000
    70바알 집행자58,8864211.3814,8176,78550200000
    70바알 미라 도끼병38,1032731.510,5465,81650200000
    70바알 미라 창병38,1033001.59,5883,87750200000
    70바알 미라 악한38,1032731.59,5883,87750200000
    70바알 미라 궁수50,2273591.512,6383,87750200000
    70녹은 금 도축자34,6392851.58,7165,81650200000
    70녹은 금 도축자38,1032881.59,5885,81650200000
    70녹은 금 도축자38,1032881.59,5885,81650200000
    70녹은 금 도축자38,1032881.59,5885,81650200000
    70익사한 탐험가34,6392731.7558,7163,87750200000
    70익사한 탐험가34,6392731.7558,7163,87750200000
    70익사한 포복자51,9593721.1713,0743,87780300000
    70피의식 수호병38,1033001.59,5883,87762800000
    70피의식 수호병55,4223971.513,9465,23450200000
    70피의식 수호병38,1032731.59,5885,23457700000
    70피의식 수호병38,1032731.59,5883,8775774360000
    70피의식 수호병38,1032731.59,5883,87762800000
    70피의식 수호병38,1033001.59,5883,87762800000
    70바알 도끼병41,5672971.510,4593,87775300000
    70궁수 초월자48,4952431.512,2026,2036538720000
    70골리앗 초월자69,2783721.517,4326,7855024360000
    70방패 방어 초월자51,9593171.513,0747,7545021,7430000
    70융해된 검사46,7633351.511,7676,9795024360000
    70도리아니의 정예병48,4953471.512,2025,15666800000
    70도리아니의 정예병48,4953471.512,2025,15666800000
    70전사 초월자51,9593721.513,0745,4287538720000
    70칼날채찍 초월자45,0313221.511,3316,2036534360000
    70허수아비 야수77,9385581.99519,6113,87750200000
    70잊혀진 추적자38,1032731.59,5884,65282800000
    70잊혀진 포복자31,1752231.57,8443,87785300000
    70잊혀진 사티루스38,1032731.59,5884,84665300000
    70광포한 개34,6393221.58,7163,87770300000
    70Rabid Dog39,8353721.510,0233,87770300000
    70파리둔 포복자34,6392481.58,7165,04060200000
    70파리둔 포복자34,6392481.58,7165,04060200000
    70버림받은 광부34,6392481.58,7163,87750200000
    70버림받은 광부34,6392481.58,7163,87750200000
    70버림받은 광부34,6392481.58,7163,87750200000
    70걷는 골리앗74,4745871.518,7393,87750200000
    70영원의 기사77,9385581.519,6116,97950200000
    70수척한 기사77,9385581.519,6116,20350200000