Buff Definitions /1062
Icon | 名字 |
额外生命恢复 Aura | |
精准暴击光环 Aura | |
肾上腺素 Aura | |
练金奇才 Aura | |
必定暴击光环 Aura | |
伏击 Aura | |
先祖战吼 Aura | |
先祖裂地之灵 Aura | |
先祖卫士 Aura | |
先祖战士长 Aura | |
愤怒光环 Aura | |
奥术斗篷 Aura | |
秘术增强 Aura | |
极地装甲 Aura | |
极地装甲 Aura | |
赛场大师亲临 Aura | |
Armour Immunity Aura | |
鸟之斗魄 Aura | |
鸟之力量 Aura | |
巴兰追随者的光环 Aura | |
屏障咒言 Aura | |
希望壁垒 Aura | |
希望壁垒 Aura | |
魔武战号 Aura | |
盛怒 Aura | |
负旗者之血 Aura | |
血脉奉献 Aura | |
狂野怒火 Aura | |
血姿态 Aura | |
骨制战甲 Aura | |
骸骨奉献 Aura | |
骸骨奉献 Aura | |
先祖赐福 Aura | |
Bringer of Flame Aura | |
脆弱汇流 Aura | |
残酷攻击 Aura | |
不死光环 Aura | |
腐化魔像 Aura | |
猫之敏捷 Aura | |
猫之隐匿 Aura | |
混沌赋力 Aura | |
混沌魔像 Aura | |
蓄力疾风闪层数 Aura | |
酋长之怒 Aura | |
免疫冰缓 Aura | |
清晰光环 Aura | |
凝冰守护 Aura | |
凝冰守护 Aura | |
冰霜伤害光环 Aura | |
冰霜赋力 Aura | |
冰霜荆棘 Aura | |
战斗冲击 Aura | |
战斗准备 Aura | |
奉献地面 Aura | |
消耗风暴 Aura | |
汇聚 Aura | |
腐灼热瘟 Aura | |
深海之灵 Aura | |
凌厉 Aura | |
诅咒免疫 Aura | |
伤害光环 Aura | |
减伤光环 Aura | |
Daze Immunity Aura | |
水渊之灵 Aura | |
抗争之旗 Aura | |
半神的权威 Aura | |
坚定光环 Aura | |
Discipline Aura | |
退避三舍 Aura | |
神性 Aura | |
恐怖战旗 Aura | |
恐怖之旗护体值上限 Aura | |
死亡吐息 Aura | |
元素守护 Aura | |
元素守护 Aura | |
元素汇流 Aura | |
元素伤害光环 Aura | |
Elemental Invocation Aura | |
元素反射 Aura | |
元素反射光环 Aura | |
元素棘刺 Aura | |
元素守卫 Aura | |
灵巧 Aura | |
Encased in Jade Aura | |
坚决战吼 Aura | |
能量之刃 Aura | |
护盾光环 Aura | |
短兵相接 Aura | |
暴怒 Aura | |
嫉妒 Aura | |
精华吞噬 Aura | |
永恒帝国光环 Aura | |
闪避光环 Aura | |
永恒献祭 Aura | |
处刑者 Aura | |
费尔之帽 Aura | |
欣喜若狂 Aura | |
远射 Aura | |
大地之灵 Aura | |
疾跑 Aura | |
疾跑 Aura | |
狂噬 Aura | |
暗夜之灵 Aura | |
丰沃之灵 Aura | |
烈焰守护 Aura | |
烈焰守护 Aura | |
火焰伤害光环 Aura | |
火焰赋力 Aura | |
烈焰武器 Aura | |
烈焰魔像 Aura | |
火焰触碰 Aura | |
血肉 Aura | |
血肉奉献 Aura | |
闪现打击 Aura | |
专注 Aura | |
Font of Blood Aura | |
Font of Mana Aura | |
Font of Rage Aura | |
护体 Aura | |
护体 Aura | |
免疫冰冻 Aura | |
暴怒 Aura | |
完全回复 Aura | |
真菌地表 Aura | |
电流场 Aura | |
无常法袍 Aura | |
元素之愈 Aura | |
优雅光环 Aura | |
缓速藤蔓 Aura | |
Guard Aura | |
和谐之源 Aura | |
迅捷光环 Aura | |
憎恨光环 Aura | |
凝心者 Aura | |
闪电之捷 Aura | |
免疫免疫 Aura | |
圣物的祝福 Aura | |
寒冰魔像 Aura | |
Ignagduk's Harvest Aura | |
免疫点燃 Aura | |
不朽怒嚎 Aura | |
免疫 Aura | |
经验增加 Aura | |
跑的快! Aura | |
地狱箭 Aura | |
灌注 Aura | |
闪电支配 Aura | |
错乱 Aura | |
启发 Aura | |
干涉 Aura | |
威吓战吼 Aura | |
无敌 Aura | |
伤害免疫 Aura | |
Jade Aura | |
卡莉莎的优雅之影 Aura | |
Keeper of the Arc Aura | |
Keeper of the Arc Aura | |
存在王者之刃 Aura | |
奇拉克的恩惠 Aura | |
强化物理增伤光环 Aura | |
生命回复光环 Aura | |
生命回复 Aura | |
生命回复光环 Aura | |
赤炼 Aura | |
闪电护盾 Aura | |
闪电护盾 Aura | |
闪电伤害光环 Aura | |
闪电赋力 Aura | |
闪电魔像 Aura | |
闪电魔像愤怒 Aura | |
闪电护盾 Aura | |
鲜活之血 Aura | |
活体水晶 Aura | |
幸运电弧 Aura | |
免疫瘫痪 Aura | |
马拉凯之耐 Aura | |
马拉凯之狂 Aura | |
马拉凯之暴 Aura | |
怨毒光环 Aura | |
魔力回复 Aura | |
魔力回复光环 Aura | |
魔力风暴 Aura | |
金属大师 Aura | |
贤主之仪 Aura | |
物理增伤光环 Aura | |
熔岩护盾 Aura | |
猛攻 Aura | |
Paua Shell Aura | |
珀奎尔之趾 Aura | |
赤血凝结 Aura | |
幽影之力 Aura | |
暗影迷踪 Aura | |
暗影迷踪伤害 Aura | |
相位奔驰 Aura | |
迷踪增益效果 Aura | |
物理护盾 Aura | |
物理护盾 Aura | |
Physical Damage Aura Aura | |
物理伤害免疫 Aura | |
物理赋力 Aura | |
物理反击投射 Aura | |
物理反射 Aura | |
物理反射光环 Aura | |
物理棘刺 Aura | |
疫病之源 Aura | |
精准光环 Aura | |
原能护盾 Aura | |
Primal Rage Aura | |
惩戒者 Aura | |
元素净化光环 Aura | |
火焰净化光环 Aura | |
冰霜净化光环 Aura | |
闪电净化光环 Aura | |
Purple Flame of Chayula Aura | |
Quicksand Hourglass Aura | |
光芒圣战军 Aura | |
信念之环 Aura | |
豢养蜘蛛 Aura | |
召集 Aura | |
激励战吼 Aura | |
Reforming Minions Aura | |
回春 Aura | |
生命与魔力回复图腾光环 Aura | |
卡莉莎的优雅之影【仿品】 Aura | |
抗性光环 Aura | |
恢复 Aura | |
正义之火 Aura | |
正义怒雷 Aura | |
不亡者仪式 Aura | |
沙姿态 Aura | |
力竭汇流 Aura | |
苍空之灵 Aura | |
Scavenged Plating Aura | |
灼热汇流 Aura | |
Seething Body Aura | |
震地战吼 Aura | |
近卫盾 Aura | |
暗影姿态 Aura | |
塑界者姿态 Aura | |
塑界者之籽 Aura | |
破碎盾牌 Aura | |
黑影薛朗之光环 Aura | |
免疫感电 Aura | |
威能法印 Aura | |
虹吸陷阱 Aura | |
召唤飞掠者 Aura | |
迅捷之域 Aura | |
惩击光环 Aura | |
风雪斗篷 Aura | |
Sorcery Ward Aura | |
幽魂组合包 Aura | |
速度光环 Aura | |
速度飓风 Aura | |
法术节魔 Aura | |
灵魂奉献 Aura | |
钢铁之肤 Aura | |
岩石 Aura | |
巨石魔像 Aura | |
提速尾流 Aura | |
暴风之盾 Aura | |
时间异动 Aura | |
时空裂隙 Aura | |
狂牛锐角 Aura | |
圣恶之喻 Aura | |
流逝之时 Aura | |
爆裂之射 Aura | |
不朽意志 Aura | |
被穿刺 Aura | |
神性分裂 Aura | |
思想奔流 Aura | |
沧海桑田 Aura | |
不屈之志 Aura | |
不畏死亡 Aura | |
鲜血渴求 Aura | |
高塔灌注 Aura | |
陷阱、地雷与图腾伤害 Aura | |
内伤 Aura | |
宝藏之堆 Aura | |
Unbound Aura | |
不朽狂暴 Aura | |
不洁伤害 Aura | |
不洁之力 Aura | |
不义之火 Aura | |
坚毅圣战军 Aura | |
动荡 Aura | |
瓦尔:极地装甲增益 Aura | |
瓦尔清晰光环 Aura | |
瓦尔坚定光环 Aura | |
瓦尔纪律光环 Aura | |
瓦尔优雅光环 Aura | |
瓦尔迅捷光环 Aura | |
瓦尔不朽怒嚎 Aura | |
瓦尔.不净之火 Aura | |
瓦尔.不净之冰 Aura | |
瓦尔.不净之雷 Aura | |
瓦尔:绝命之镰 Aura | |
瓦尔:回春图腾光环 Aura | |
瓦尔.正义之火 Aura | |
瓦尔活力光环 Aura | |
维多里奥的飞升 Aura | |
活力光环 Aura | |
战旗 Aura | |
Warcaller's Bellow Aura | |
Wind Dancer Aura | |
Wisp's Blessing Aura | |
凋零步 Aura | |
雷霆光环 Aura | |
札娜的庇护 Aura | |
奋锐光环 Aura | |
[DNT] Blood Rage Aura | |
[DNT] Energy Overshield Aura | |
[DNT] Holy Healing Aura | |
[DNT] Invocation Aura | |
[DNT] Lightbringer Damage Aura Aura | |
[DNT] On Guard Aura | |
[DNT] Rejuvinating Spores Aura | |
[DNT] Sanctum Damage Immunity Aura | |
[UNUSED] Brand Detonate Buff Aura | |
A Fragment of Sun Debuff | |
深渊战吼 Debuff | |
强酸巨坑 Debuff | |
Ancient Flame Debuff | |
摧残之光 Debuff | |
电弧陷阱 Debuff | |
奥法烙印 Debuff | |
末日烙印 Debuff | |
护甲破损 Debuff | |
忏悔之兆 Debuff | |
奥库娜之猎 Debuff | |
奥库娜的套索 Debuff | |
奥尔之兴 Debuff | |
混沌之毒 Debuff | |
捕熊陷阱 Debuff | |
凶性怒吼 Debuff | |
束缚之链 Debuff | |
Blackflame Debuff | |
黑焰点燃 Debuff | |
流血 Debuff | |
枯萎 Debuff | |
致盲 Debuff | |
赤色枯竭 Debuff | |
负旗者之血 Debuff | |
鲜血洗涤 Debuff | |
鲜血仪式 Debuff | |
沸血 Debuff | |
骨骼震荡 Debuff | |
力量借贷 Debuff | |
束缚 Debuff | |
歧途迷雾 Debuff | |
脆弱 Debuff | |
凌虐钉刺 Debuff | |
燃烧 Debuff | |
燃烧箭矢 Debuff | |
燃烧光环 Debuff | |
燃烧束缚 Debuff | |
燃烧地面 Debuff | |
Burning Orb Debuff | |
腐蚀地面 Debuff | |
腐蚀之击 Debuff | |
腐蚀之网 Debuff | |
烧灼之躯 Debuff | |
混沌抗性降低 Debuff | |
混沌沙暴 Debuff | |
混沌束缚 Debuff | |
电网 Debuff | |
充能龙卷旋风 Debuff | |
冰缓 Debuff | |
冰缓地面 Debuff | |
寒冷光环 Debuff | |
寒冰束缚 Debuff | |
寒冰幻象 Debuff | |
屏息瘴气 Debuff | |
蓝晶沾身 Debuff | |
寒冰射线 Debuff | |
冰霜曝露 Debuff | |
冰霜抗性降低 Debuff | |
霜暴 Debuff | |
寒冰飞虫 Debuff | |
奉献地面 Debuff | |
瘟疫 Debuff | |
变换阵营 Debuff | |
腐蚀 Debuff | |
腐蚀饥渴 Debuff | |
腐化之血 Debuff | |
腐化地面 Debuff | |
Corrupting Fulmination Debuff | |
腐败烟幕 Debuff | |
觉醒者之蚀 Debuff | |
灰烬缠身 Debuff | |
冰霜缠身 Debuff | |
Covered in Oil Debuff | |
爬满蜘蛛 Debuff | |
蛛网束缚 Debuff | |
克林斯昂之罪 Debuff | |
持续苦痛 Debuff | |
电光寒霜 Debuff | |
彻骨冰寒 Debuff | |
Critical Weakness Debuff | |
暴君王冠 Debuff | |
碾压黑暗 Debuff | |
裂界之固 Debuff | |
武器失效 Debuff | |
月影风暴 Debuff | |
黑暗 Debuff | |
暗语之吻 Debuff | |
Daze Debuff | |
Dazed Debuff | |
死亡 Debuff | |
致命一指 Debuff | |
死亡誓约 Debuff | |
致死之寒 Debuff | |
疲惫 Debuff | |
腐蚀 Debuff | |
朽坏回忆 Debuff | |
Decaying Spores Debuff | |
抗争之旗 Debuff | |
混沌伤害光环 Debuff | |
混沌伤害光环 Debuff | |
混沌伤害光环 Debuff | |
腐化地面 Debuff | |
觉醒者之殇 Debuff | |
吞噬黑暗 Debuff | |
胃酸 Debuff | |
瓦解之触 Debuff | |
头昏眼花 Debuff | |
神圣光辉 Debuff | |
神圣光辉 Debuff | |
神圣之光 Debuff | |
德瑞之苦 Debuff | |
德瑞之罪 Debuff | |
德瑞之畏 Debuff | |
难逃一死 Debuff | |
多里亚尼的焚天之火 Debuff | |
多里亚尼的焚天之火 Debuff | |
恐怖战旗 Debuff | |
浸湿 Debuff | |
干旱 Debuff | |
淹没 Debuff | |
淹没 Debuff | |
死亡吐息 Debuff | |
雕像 Debuff | |
裂界之殇 Debuff | |
电光束缚 Debuff | |
电震凝视 Debuff | |
电震球 Debuff | |
电震注目 Debuff | |
受到的元素伤害提高 Debuff | |
灰烬风暴 Debuff | |
无尽之危 Debuff | |
无尽之伤 Debuff | |
衰退 Debuff | |
衰退 Debuff | |
鬼火吞噬 Debuff | |
被诱捕 Debuff | |
侵蚀之触 Debuff | |
脆弱蚕食 Debuff | |
灵魂吸取 Debuff | |
愤怒精华 Debuff | |
憎恨精华 Debuff | |
凄惨精华 Debuff | |
雷霆精华 Debuff | |
永恒天灾 Debuff | |
虚空卷须 Debuff | |
刽子手姿态 Debuff | |
突发呕吐 Debuff | |
腐坏曝露 Debuff | |
赤炼魔光 Debuff | |
Exterminating Chill Debuff | |
熄灭 Debuff | |
怨恨之眼 Debuff | |
消逝血肉 Debuff | |
畏惧 Debuff | |
裂界之荼 Debuff | |
火烧 Debuff | |
火焰曝露 Debuff | |
火焰抗性降低 Debuff | |
火焰飞虫 Debuff | |
Flame Thrower Debuff | |
烈焰之墙 Debuff | |
药剂榨取 Debuff | |
冰冻地雷 Debuff | |
冰冽怒吼 Debuff | |
寒霜爆 Debuff | |
冰冻 Debuff | |
冰冻 Debuff | |
冰冻地面 Debuff | |
护甲完全破损 Debuff | |
真菌地表 Debuff | |
电光束 Debuff | |
赌客之贪 Debuff | |
Gamma Ray Debuff | |
Gamma Ray Debuff | |
无常法袍 Debuff | |
格鲁坎的沙暴 Debuff | |
青焰墓场 Debuff | |
降低行动速度 Debuff | |
上帝之光 Debuff | |
Grappled Debuff | |
抓握之锁 Debuff | |
饕餮之钩 Debuff | |
迟缓束缚 Debuff | |
迟缓之钳 Debuff | |
迟缓之触 Debuff | |
缓速藤蔓 Debuff | |
Gravitation Debuff | |
重力之墙 Debuff | |
绿色增益 Debuff | |
绿色毒液 Debuff | |
地面凯孢子 Debuff | |
绝望 Debuff | |
融血光环 Debuff | |
幻觉 Debuff | |
和谐之源 Debuff | |
热度 Debuff | |
异教之忿 Debuff | |
不洁之光 Debuff | |
高爆地雷 Debuff | |
缓速 Debuff | |
被毒蛇打击击中 Debuff | |
冰锥地雷 Debuff | |
点燃 Debuff | |
不可移动 Debuff | |
穿刺 Debuff | |
妨碍 Debuff | |
短程的 Debuff | |
被囚 Debuff | |
不净之火 Debuff | |
不净之冰 Debuff | |
不净之雷 Debuff | |
降低最大冰霜抗性 Debuff | |
毁灭已经注定 Debuff | |
炼狱之击 Debuff | |
炼狱战吼 Debuff | |
被感染 Debuff | |
内部屏息瘴气 Debuff | |
内在崩解风暴 Debuff | |
威吓 Debuff | |
亡者怨怒 Debuff | |
崎岖之面 Debuff | |
巫妖光束 Debuff | |
闪电连接 Debuff | |
雷祸 Debuff | |
闪电连接 Debuff | |
闪电曝露 Debuff | |
闪电抗性降低 Debuff | |
闪电飞虫 Debuff | |
狮眼之箭 Debuff | |
液体黄金 Debuff | |
活线 Debuff | |
鲜活之血 Debuff | |
Loss of Morale Debuff | |
Lost Focus Debuff | |
迷雾迷途 Debuff | |
磁性风暴 Debuff | |
瘫痪 Debuff | |
玛拉凯孢子 Debuff | |
恶语术 Debuff | |
恶魔之触 Debuff | |
魔力符文 Debuff | |
神主标记 Debuff | |
融合体印记 Debuff | |
贤主的游戏 Debuff | |
贤主的惩罚 Debuff | |
Molten Gold Debuff | |
酋长图腾光环 Debuff | |
泥泞 Debuff | |
神秘瘴毒 Debuff | |
投网 Debuff | |
无混沌抗性 Debuff | |
淬毒之烟 Debuff | |
审判奉献 Debuff | |
审判奉献 Debuff | |
油腻地面 Debuff | |
妖塔瘫痪 Debuff | |
妖塔的推进器 Debuff | |
压制 Debuff | |
贤主之火 Debuff | |
外在崩解风暴 Debuff | |
压制 Debuff | |
瘫痪之触 Debuff | |
忏悔 Debuff | |
忏悔烙印 Debuff | |
致疫挥斩伤害 Debuff | |
致疫打击 Debuff | |
致疫打击伤害 Debuff | |
石化 Debuff | |
石化 Debuff | |
凤凰爆炎弹 Debuff | |
承受物理伤害提高 Debuff | |
锐利尖叫 Debuff | |
派蒂光束 Debuff | |
派蒂之怒 Debuff | |
被标记 Debuff | |
被标记 Debuff | |
疫源 Debuff | |
瘟疫使徒 Debuff | |
疫病之源 Debuff | |
中毒 Debuff | |
诡秘蒸腾 Debuff | |
尊严 Debuff | |
Pride? Debuff | |
原始痼疾 Debuff | |
渎神罪焰 Debuff | |
渎神地面 Debuff | |
紫色增益 Debuff | |
紫色毒液 Debuff | |
朽化 Debuff | |
火屑地雷 Debuff | |
流沙 Debuff | |
绝命之镰 Debuff | |
红色增益 Debuff | |
红色毒液 Debuff | |
救赎者风暴 Debuff | |
遗忘的腐化器皿 Debuff | |
坚毅要害 Debuff | |
复仇 Debuff | |
正义之火 Debuff | |
正义怒雷 Debuff | |
舞动仪式 Debuff | |
冥思仪式 Debuff | |
摧灭 Debuff | |
摧灭燃烧束缚 Debuff | |
摧灭混沌束缚 Debuff | |
摧灭燃烧束缚 Debuff | |
摧灭电光束缚 Debuff | |
崇圣灰烬 Debuff | |
崇圣受难 Debuff | |
沙暴 Debuff | |
精疲力尽 Debuff | |
科学之灼 Debuff | |
炽炎 Debuff | |
灼热光线 Debuff | |
海妖之嚎 Debuff | |
灼热连接 Debuff | |
灼烧符文 Debuff | |
污水毒素 Debuff | |
暗影涌动 Debuff | |
感电 Debuff | |
感电光环 Debuff | |
刺耳尖叫 Debuff | |
缩小 Debuff | |
掠食信标 Debuff | |
奇异 Debuff | |
虹吸之戒 Debuff | |
虹吸陷阱 Debuff | |
缓慢 Debuff | |
缓速光环 Debuff | |
缓速 Debuff | |
缓速 Debuff | |
缓速 Debuff | |
凝滞之息 Debuff | |
暴风雪 Debuff | |
冰魂术 Debuff | |
灵魂之火 Debuff | |
裂魂术 Debuff | |
裂魂术 Debuff | |
蜘蛛网 Debuff | |
孢子迷云 Debuff | |
孢子怒嚎 Debuff | |
裂界之缓 Debuff | |
静电锁链 Debuff | |
石化凝视 Debuff | |
风暴烙印 Debuff | |
雷暴地雷 Debuff | |
亚硫酸中毒 Debuff | |
裂地 Debuff | |
火力抑制 Debuff | |
污秽耐力球 Debuff | |
Tainted Flesh Debuff | |
污秽狂怒球 Debuff | |
污秽暴击球 Debuff | |
Tainted Soul Debuff | |
污秽肉身 Debuff | |
污秽灵魂 Debuff | |
污油地面 Debuff | |
被嘲讽 Debuff | |
时间异动 Debuff | |
时间泡泡 Debuff | |
时空裂隙 Debuff | |
Temporality Debuff | |
Tethered Debuff | |
黑暗收割 Debuff | |
荆棘蔓藤 Debuff | |
雷霆之网 Debuff | |
雷鸣咆哮 Debuff | |
潮汐之力 Debuff | |
Time Freeze Debuff | |
龙卷旋风 Debuff | |
毒雨孢囊 Debuff | |
剧毒蔓藤 Debuff | |
试炼使者的混沌套索 Debuff | |
Trialmaster's Weakness Debuff | |
邪恶灼烧 Debuff | |
恐惧 Debuff | |
不义之火 Debuff | |
瓦尔.霜暴 Debuff | |
瓦尔.正义之火 Debuff | |
Vaal Soul Core Debuff | |
剧毒蜘蛛网 Debuff | |
翠绿孢子 Debuff | |
薇伦塔光束 Debuff | |
薇伦塔光束 Debuff | |
Vine Arrow Debuff | |
活性痼疾 Debuff | |
虚无之塔 Debuff | |
虚空汲能 Debuff | |
虚空凝视 Debuff | |
虚空透镜 Debuff | |
虚空诱捕 Debuff | |
虚空诱捕 Debuff | |
呕吐胶泥 Debuff | |
漩涡 Debuff | |
漩涡 Debuff | |
漩涡地雷 Debuff | |
Waking Nightmare Debuff | |
战旗 Debuff | |
温暖的营火 Debuff | |
废败之触 Debuff | |
蛛网纠缠 Debuff | |
绝望之地 Debuff | |
荒野痼疾 Debuff | |
冬潮 Debuff | |
冬潮烙印 Debuff | |
冬潮之尽 Debuff | |
死亡凋零 Debuff | |
宇宙之怒 Debuff | |
Zarokh's Influence Debuff | |
Ziggurat Sun Debuff | |
[DNT] A Little Sun Debuff | |
[DNT] Baron Blood Beam Degen Debuff | |
[DNT] Corrupted Ground Debuff | |
[DNT] Destabilised Debuff | |
[DNT] Donut of Darkness Debuff | |
[DNT] Fire Spear Debuff | |
[DNT] Goop Debuff | |
[DNT] Gooped Debuff | |
[DNT] Holy Fire Debuff | |
[DNT] Holy Fire Debuff | |
[DNT] Karui Bloodfever Debuff | |
[DNT] Pestilent Degen Debuff | |
[DNT] RF Sword Debuff | |
[DNT] Righteous Fire Debuff | |
[DNT] Righteous Flier Debuff | |
[DNT] Rooted Debuff | |
[DNT] Sandstorm Swipe Debuff | |
[DNT] Spore Ground Debuff | |
[DNT] Sword Lockdown Debuff | |
[DNT] Temporal Interference Debuff | |
燃尽 Debuff | |
燃尽 Debuff | |
榨取球 Charges | |
痛苦球 Charges | |
疾电球 Charges | |
赤炼球 Charges | |
残暴球 Charges | |
挑战球 Charges | |
高昂之力 Charges | |
高昂威能 Charges | |
神圣球 Charges | |
耐力能量球 Charges | |
狂热球 Charges | |
狂怒能量球 Charges | |
怒气球 Charges | |
被爆炸箭矢击中 Charges | |
启迪(辅) Charges | |
暴击能量球 Charges | |
精神能量球 Charges | |
虚空之矢 Charges | |
紫晶药剂 Flask | |
海蓝药剂 Flask | |
石化药剂 Flask | |
灰岩药剂 Flask | |
卡鲁族之血 Flask | |
克拉里多之名 Flask | |
刚玉药剂 Flask | |
闪耀精华 Flask | |
宝钻药剂 Flask | |
淬炼占卜 Flask | |
逝日 Flask | |
异能魔力 Flask | |
禁果 Flask | |
黄金药剂 Flask | |
坚岩药剂 Flask | |
免疫 Flask | |
增加闪避 Flask | |
跑的快! Flask | |
坚铁药剂 Flask | |
翠玉药剂 Flask | |
奇亚拉的决心 Flask | |
拉维安加的圣杯 Flask | |
狮吼 Flask | |
满溢圣杯 Flask | |
石英药剂 Flask | |
水银药剂 Flask | |
鲁米的灵药【仿品】 Flask | |
红玉药剂 Flask | |
鲁米的灵药 Flask | |
沙卡丽之沙 Flask | |
蓝玉药剂 Flask | |
钢铁药剂 Flask | |
迷雾药剂 Flask | |
硫磺药剂 Flask | |
酷寒憎恨 Flask | |
黄玉药剂 Flask | |
不洁之力 Flask | |
WIP Flask | |
巫火之酿 Flask | |
狂热者的誓言 Flask | |
泽佛伊的终息 Flask | |
导电 Curse | |
绝望 Curse | |
元素要害 Curse | |
衰弱 Curse | |
易燃 Curse | |
Hypothermia Curse | |
新惩戒 Curse | |
沉默 Curse | |
时空锁链 Curse | |
脆弱 Curse | |
极地装甲 Skill Stacks | |
刀刃乱舞 Skill Stacks | |
飞刃风暴 Skill Stacks | |
蟹之势 Skill Stacks | |
旋风斩 Skill Stacks | |
爆破箭 Skill Stacks | |
圣怨 Skill Stacks | |
烈焰爆破 Skill Stacks | |
禁断典仪 Skill Stacks | |
脆弱重生 Skill Stacks | |
极霜新星 Skill Stacks | |
热度 Skill Stacks | |
烧毁 Skill Stacks | |
超级冲击波 Skill Stacks | |
天灾之箭 Skill Stacks | |
充能打击 Skill Stacks | |
充能打击 Skill Stacks | |
钢刃结界 Skill Stacks | |
瓦尔:刀刃乱舞 Skill Stacks | |
瓦尔:剧毒旋风 Skill Stacks | |
剧毒旋风刀刃 Skill Stacks | |
毒力 Skill Stacks | |
火山 Skill Stacks | |
雷电魔爆 Skill Stacks | |
冰霜宝珠 Skill Stacks | |
[DNT] Glacial Strike Skill Stacks | |
[DNT] Heat Seeking Arrow Stages Skill Stacks | |
[DNT] Lightning Spear Skill Stacks | |
迅速神龛 Defense Shrine | |
阿拉卡力神殿 Defense Shrine | |
狂击神龛 Defense Shrine | |
充能神龛 Defense Shrine | |
Corrupting Shrine Defense Shrine | |
贪婪神龛 Defense Shrine | |
钻石神龛 Defense Shrine | |
圣洁神龛 Defense Shrine | |
回响神龛 Defense Shrine | |
Enduring Shrine Defense Shrine | |
Enlightening Shrine Defense Shrine | |
隐忍神龛 Defense Shrine | |
隐忍神龛 Defense Shrine | |
Greed Shrine Defense Shrine | |
邪法神龛 Defense Shrine | |
无畏神龛 Defense Shrine | |
月影神殿 Defense Shrine | |
威猛神龛 Defense Shrine | |
回复神龛 Defense Shrine | |
抗性神龛 Defense Shrine | |
Seeking Shrine Defense Shrine | |
日耀神殿 Defense Shrine | |
荆棘神龛 Defense Shrine | |
索亚格斯神殿 Defense Shrine | |
蓝旗背负者 CTF Have Flag | |
绿旗背负者 CTF Have Flag | |
红旗背负者 CTF Have Flag | |
燃烧神龛 Offense Shrine | |
霜寒神龛 Offense Shrine | |
雷霆神龛 Offense Shrine | |
Meteoric Shrine Offense Shrine | |
迷雾神龛 Offense Shrine | |
魔侍神龛 Offense Shrine | |
静电神龛 Offense Shrine | |
Tempest Shrine Offense Shrine | |
苦痛之捷 Herald | |
灰烬之捷 Herald | |
寒冰之捷 Herald | |
纯净之捷 Herald | |
闪电之捷 Herald | |
炼金师印记 Mark | |
暗影印记 Mark | |
Freezing Mark Mark | |
盗猎者印记 Mark | |
狙击印记 Mark | |
Thaumaturgist's Mark Mark | |
督军印记 Mark | |
斩首 Stolen | |
猎首 Stolen | |
猎人的指导 Stolen | |
求知的热情 Stolen | |
属性偷取 Stolen | |
复仇赛季石 Stolen | |
猎首【仿品】 Stolen | |
窃取的词缀 Stolen | |
能力窃取 Stolen | |
毁灭羁绊 Link | |
烈炎羁绊 Link | |
直觉羁绊 Link | |
防御羁绊 Link | |
灵魂羁绊 Link | |
血灵羁绊 Link | |
Amethyst Charm | |
Antidote Charm | |
Dousing Charm | |
Golden Charm | |
Grounding Charm | |
Ruby Charm | |
Sapphire Charm | |
Silver Charm | |
Staunching Charm | |
Stone Charm | |
Thawing Charm | |
Thawing Charm | |
Topaz Charm | |
艾贝拉斯之怒 | |
深渊风暴 | |
额外图腾 | |
阿尔瓦的赠礼 | |
秘能风暴 | |
刺客之刃 | |
游戏保护开启奖励 | |
游戏保护未开启 | |
平衡 | |
巴雷克的赠礼 | |
Blackflame Ground | |
流血免疫 | |
格挡测试 | |
血之剑刃风暴 | |
血量金手指 | |
骨矛尖刺 | |
作弊 | |
冰缓免疫 | |
冰缓汇流 | |
Cold Conflux | |
灵柩行走 | |
免疫腐化之血 | |
腐化风暴 | |
黑暗潜伏 | |
过场进行时 | |
泯灭之舞 | |
死亡之愿 | |
抗争 | |
抗争之旗层数 | |
Demonflame | |
蚕食风暴 | |
神圣风暴 | |
恐怖之旗阶段 | |
持久测试 | |
回声风暴 | |
古神赋力 | |
元素汇流 | |
哀嚎 | |
能量护盾恢复 | |
巨化风暴 | |
灵魂吸取回复 | |
虚无风暴 | |
Fire Conflux | |
脚印 | |
免疫冻结 | |
正面接邻之盾 | |
冰霜护盾 | |
冰冻伤害增加 | |
飓风之力 | |
激昂风暴 | |
Garukhan's Favour | |
幽魂缠身 | |
疯狂荣光 | |
费尔船长的幸运 | |
霜咬 | |
点燃免疫 | |
火焰伤害提高 | |
火焰汇流 | |
炼狱契约 | |
灌注 | |
启发 | |
生命回复 | |
Lightning Conflux | |
魔力护盾 | |
Meditate | |
地雷陷阱测试 | |
召唤测试 | |
火徒.努葛玛呼 | |
新星 | |
环绕风暴 | |
镇压 | |
Pain Offering | |
玩家大礼包 | |
免疫中毒 | |
被变形 | |
可被击碎 | |
投射物测试 | |
预言数量 | |
相位护罩 | |
攻击和法术伤害 | |
辐射风暴 | |
怒气 | |
暴走 | |
精炼风暴 | |
抗性风暴 | |
回复风暴 | |
鉴识风暴 | |
复兴之腐 | |
复兴混沌 | |
复兴之焰 | |
复兴之寒 | |
复兴之电 | |
复兴之石 | |
巨喙的暴怒 | |
奋勇进军生命回复 | |
沙之剑刃风暴 | |
苛责风暴 | |
滚溢风暴 | |
裂片风暴 | |
闪光风暴 | |
颤抖风暴 | |
感电免疫 | |
感电汇流 | |
缩小风暴 | |
冰雪箭 | |
灵魂吞食 | |
Speed Randomisation | |
测试用 | |
惊风之劲 | |
钢刃碎片 | |
刺针风暴 | |
裂风雷球 | |
亚硫酸中毒 | |
蓄威神锤阶数 | |
安全保护状态 | |
TEMP | |
Time of Need | |
图腾测试 | |
转化风暴 | |
陷阱测试 | |
蛛网缠绕 | |
宝藏! | |
Unbound Fury | |
不败英雄 | |
瓦尔:极地装甲 | |
瓦尔.震地 | |
Valour | |
幕蔽风暴 | |
残劣壁垒 | |
狂暴催化 | |
战旗阶段 | |
战争使者 | |
WIP | |
背负卡鲁之灵 | |
札娜的庇护 | |
[DNT] Call of the Wild | |
[DNT] Living Blood Rush | |
[DNT] Mantra of Destruction | |
[UNUSED] Oil Patch | |
[DNT] Quick Block |
增益 Tags /67
Level: 1
Level: 1
Scavenged Plating
Level: 1
Level: 1
Level: 1
Time of Need
Level: 1
Overwhelming Presence
Level: 1
Level: 1
Level: 1
Level: 1
Combat Frenzy
Level: 1
Level: 1
Herald of Plague
Level: 1
Level: 1
Level: 1
Alchemist's Boon
Level: 1
Level: 1
Soul Offering
Level: 1
Level: 1
Level: 1
Level: 1
Withering Presence
Level: 1
Level: 1
Elemental Conflux
Level: 1
Level: 1
Level: 1
Level: 1
Level: 1
Level: 1
Level: 1
Level: 1
Level: 1
Level: 1
Cast on Critical
Level: 1
Mana Tempest
Level: 1
Cast on Ignite
Level: 1
Cast on Freeze
Level: 1
Cast on Shock
Level: 1
Level: 1
Level: 1
Purity of Lightning
Level: 1
Purity of Ice
Level: 1
Purity of Fire
Level: 1
Level: 1
Into the Breach
Level: 1
Demon Form
Level: 1
Sorcery Ward
Level: 1
Temporal Rift
Level: 1
Encase in Jade
Level: 1
Elemental Invocation
Level: 1
Level: 1
War Banner
Level: 1
Emergency Reload
Level: 1
Charge Infusion
Level: 1
Shard Scavenger
Level: 1
Reaper's Invocation
Level: 1
Level: 1
Level: 1
Ghost Dance
Level: 1
Cast on Dodge
Level: 1
Charged Staff
Level: 1
Barrier Invocation
Level: 1
Unbound Avatar
Level: 1
Life Remnants
Level: 1
Mantra of Destruction
Level: 1
Defiance Banner
Level: 1
Dread Banner
Level: 1
Skill Gem /22
Skill Gem 画质 /12
物品 | Stats |
烈焰之墙 | (0–20)% more Magnitude of Ignite inflicted |
闪电传送 | (0–10)% increased Magnitude of Shock inflicted |
瘟疫 | 减益每次扩散造成的伤害总增%, 最多 (0–100)% |
灵魂吸取 | 减益持续时间为 (0–1) 秒 |
毒爆箭 | (0–20)% increased Magnitude of Poison inflicted |
完美一击 | (0–20)% increased Magnitude of Ignite you inflict |
烧毁 | (0–20)% increased Magnitude of Ignite you inflict |
裂魂术 | 减益持续时间为 (0–0.1) 秒 |
Elemental Conflux | Buff grants (0–10)% more damage with the affected Element |
冰凌座 | (0–20)% more Magnitude of Chill inflicted |
Encase in Jade | Buff can take (0–70) damage per Jade consumed |
Voltaic Mark | Shock has (0–15)% increased effect on Marked enemy |
Support Gem /11
怪物 词缀 /12
名字 | 等级 | Pre/Suf | Description | Weight |
自由之 | 7 | 后缀 | [DNT] 50% less Slowing Potency of Debuffs against this monster | |
TBD | 5 | 前缀 | 行动速度减慢 25% 冷却回复速度减慢 60% 你身上的减益效果消失速度减慢 40% cannot be damaged by things outside radius [0] | |
1 | 传奇 | torment embezzler debuff on hit recovery speed +% [-50] | ||
1 | 传奇 | torment embezzler debuff on hit recovery speed +% [-100] | ||
1 | 传奇 | buff time passed +% other than temporal chains [-30] curse count [1] temporal chains base action speed +% final to apply [-30] 施法 诅咒 | ||
1 | 传奇 | base life regeneration per minute % while in lava [180] lava buff effect on self +% [-100] 生命 | ||
塑界 | 1 | 传奇 | maven map boss buffed [0] | |
废败之触 | 1 | 惊悸迷雾 | affliction monster debuff energy shield recovery rate +% on hit [-9] affliction monster debuff life recovery rate +% on hit [-9] 生命 防御 | |
瘫痪之触 | 1 | 惊悸迷雾 | affliction monster debuff action speed +% on hit [-6] 速度 | |
侵蚀之触 | 1 | 惊悸迷雾 | affliction monster debuff damage taken +% on hit [6] 伤害 | |
瓦解之触 | 1 | 惊悸迷雾 | affliction monster debuff flask charges gained +% on hit [-9] affliction monster debuff flask effect +% on hit [-9] | |
塑界 | 1 | 传奇 | maven map boss buffed [50] |
夺宝奇兵 Area 词缀 /4
名字 | 等级 | Pre/Suf | Description | Weight |
转瞬之 | 46 | 后缀 | 该区域物品掉落数量提高 10% 该地图的物品稀有度提高 6% 玩家身上的增益效果消减速度加快 20% heist contract alert level +% final [-4] heist contract lockdown timer +% [4] heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4] | |
转瞬之 | 68 | 后缀 | 该区域物品掉落数量提高 10% 该地图的物品稀有度提高 6% 玩家身上的增益效果消减速度加快 30% heist contract alert level +% final [-4] heist contract lockdown timer +% [4] heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4] | |
转瞬之 | 73 | 后缀 | 该区域物品掉落数量提高 10% 该地图的物品稀有度提高 6% 玩家身上的增益效果消减速度加快 50% heist contract alert level +% final [-4] heist contract lockdown timer +% [4] heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4] | |
转瞬之 | 78 | 后缀 | 该区域物品掉落数量提高 10% 该地图的物品稀有度提高 6% 玩家身上的增益效果消减速度加快 70% heist contract alert level +% final [-4] heist contract lockdown timer +% [4] heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4] |
其他属性 词缀 /12
名字 | 等级 | Domain | Pre/Suf | Description | Weight |
of Unyielding | 1 | SanctumRelic | 后缀 | (8–11)% reduced Slowing Potency of Debuffs on You | |
of Unrelenting | 55 | SanctumRelic | 后缀 | (12–15)% reduced Slowing Potency of Debuffs on You | |
of the Pathfinder | 76 | SanctumRelic | 后缀 | (16–20)% reduced Slowing Potency of Debuffs on You | |
of Diminishing | 1 | Jewel | 后缀 | 你身上的减益效果消失速度加快 (5–15)% | |
of Hastening | 1 | Jewel | 后缀 | (5–10)% reduced Slowing Potency of Debuffs on You | |
of Warcries | 1 | Jewel | 前缀 | 战吼的增益效果提高 (5–15)% | |
of Diminishing | 1 | Jewel | 后缀 | 你身上的减益效果消失速度加快 (3–7)% | |
of Hastening | 1 | Jewel | 后缀 | (2–5)% reduced Slowing Potency of Debuffs on You | |
of Warcries | 1 | Jewel | 前缀 | 战吼的增益效果提高 (3–7)% | |
1 | Jewel | 传奇 | 自身的每个增益会为攻击附加 (3–5) - (8–12) 基础火焰伤害 伤害 元素 火焰 攻击 | ||
1 | Jewel | 传奇 | 自身的每个增益会为法术附加 (2–3) - (5–8) 基础火焰伤害 伤害 元素 火焰 施法 | ||
1 | Jewel | 传奇 | 魔像的增益效果提高 30% |
物品 /2
Expert Pathfinder Coat
闪避值: 406
移动速度: -3%
需求: 等级 65, 157 Dex
(20–30)% reduced Slowing Potency of Debuffs on You
Mail Coat
闪避值: 406
移动速度: -3%
需求: 等级 68, 157 Dex
(20–30)% reduced Slowing Potency of Debuffs on You
传奇 /1
护甲提高 (120–160)%
击中时有 10% 的几率造成流血
50% reduced Slowing Potency of Debuffs on You
(15–20) to (25–30) Physical Thorns damage
Passive /36
攻击暴击率提高 25%
30% increased Magnitude of Non-Damaging Ailments you inflict with Critical Hits
25% increased Critical Hit Chance against Shocked Enemies
40% increased Magnitude of Shock you inflict with Critical Hits
Targets can be affected by +1 of your Poisons at the same time
20% reduced Magnitude of Poison you inflict
法术暴击率提高 15%
法术暴击伤害加成提高 15%
15% increased Magnitude of Damaging Ailments you inflict with Critical Hits
敌人被冰缓的持续时间延长 40%
40% increased Shock Duration
25% increased Magnitude of Chill you inflict
25% increased Magnitude of Shock you inflict
40% increased effect of Arcane Surge on you
你技能的光环效果提高 20%
24% reduced Slowing Potency of Debuffs on You
升华试炼 Passive /2
永恒珠宝 Passive /5
Steel and Sorcery
Kalguuran 显著
10% increased effect of Arcane Surge on you
20% increased Magnitude of Bleeding you inflict
永恒珠宝 Passive Additions /2
Faction | Category | 显示物品素质 | Code |
卡鲁 | 显著 | 战吼的增益效果提高 8% | karui_notable_add_warcry_buff_effect |
马拉克斯 | 显著 | 10% increased Magnitude of Non-Damaging Ailments you inflict | maraketh_notable_add_ailment_effect |
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Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.